Why Donate to Project LEARN?
Thanks to the generosity of our community, Project LEARN has been able to support an array of innovative and transformational educational experiences for Lowell youth since 2013.
Here’s just a brief snapshot of the work we accomplished together in 2024:
Installed 5 new ArtUp Lowell projects in 3 neighborhoods that engaged 1,000 students
75 future medical professionals prepared for a career in the life sciences and gained tangible lab skills through Harvard MEDscience
100 students and recent grads paticipated in paid internships with our local industry partners
140 next-gen entrepreneurs competed in a DifferenceMaker pitch competition at UML
200 aspiring scientists participated in hands-on STEM workshops during IDEA Camp
1,250 Lowell High School students learned from local professionals during our 5th annual Career Speaker Week
2024 Supporters
We want to thank all the individuals, foundations, and businesses that provided financial support to Project LEARN last year. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Amelia Peabody Foundation
City of Lowell
Lowell Public Schools
Nancy Donahue
Adobe Employee Community Fund
Harvard University
Aubert J. Fay Charitable Fund
Lantheus Medical Imaging
Loring, Wolcott, & Coolidge
Tom H. and H. Naomi Tomfohrde Foundation
The 1434 Foundation, Inc.
Titus Plomaritis
Daniel Hogan Charitable Fund
Frontier Development Corporation
Middlebury College
Demoulas Foundation
Entreprise Bank
Foundation M
George Duncan
Move The World Foundation
The Battles Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union
Joanne de Vries
Middlesex Community College
Siddhi Chhoeng
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
The Behrakis Foundation
Trustees of the Ayer Home
Brian Martin
Eastern Bank
EMD Millipore Corporation
Eric Huang
Faith Home, Inc.
James Herscot
LMP Reality Trust
Marilyn Campbell
Ministry at Large in Lowell
Triton Systems, Inc.
Don C Lin
Gallagher & Cavanaugh LLP
Gregory Nota
Laurel Charette
William Profenna
ACG Air Compressor, LLC.
Align Credit Union
Andrea Staid
Edward Crockett
Emily Collins
Hannah Tello
Joseph Hartman
LZ Nunn & Paul Schor
Matt & Karen Coggins
Philip Sisson
Pierre de Villiers
Rumana Afroz
Samantha Egolf
Sarah Santiago
Stephanie Klinkenberg
Thomas & Jonlee Nunn
University of Massachusetts Lowell
William Skinner & Tara Forrest
Zoe Dzineku
Allison Lamay
Amanda Flores
Andee Krasner
Angel Krause
Annemarie & Jon Galli
Anne Coulomte
Brett & Kezia Sylvia
Brian Chapman
Brian Ramy
Carol A. St Germain
Caroline Rider
Denny Lim
Ellen Andre
Gregory & Vanna Howard
Hannahford Supermarket
Hualiang Zhang
Jennifer DeSario
Juliana Mathurin Dormant
Karl Frey
Kei Kawashima- Ginsberg
Kevin Broderick
Lynn Fitzgerald
Mark Gilchrist
Melissa Allen
Micheal Ansara
Micheal Correia
Micheal Hartigan
Micheal Kalaitzidis
Nancy Meehan
Nicole Dawning
Patrick Barker
PayPal Giving Fund
Peter Martin
Rachel Deandrea
Robert & Lisa Lawlor
Sakhom Huot
Samuel Chhoeng
Seth Model
Steve Joncas
Steven Stello
Warren & Mary Jane Shaw
William Galvin
Yun-Ju Choi
Alan & Carol Mastrangelo
Alina Echavarria
Alicia Mills
Amy Woo
Ann Augustyn
Anne Maglia
Barbara Dunsford
Bob Gregoire
Bread Loaf School of English
Brian J. Walker
Catherine Olszowy
Cat Flynn
Christie Hedstrom
Chuck Duggan
Dale Nadeau
Darrell Towne
Dawn McGee
Devin Gibbs
Dena Kin
Dhruv Patel
Dianne Morad
Donna and George Christopulos
Emily Meehan
Ethan Hoefler
Evan Caten
Eunice Ndungu
Felix Marte
First Parish Church United
Francisco Gonzales
Fung Li
Girls Inc. of Greater Lowell
Greg Plunkett
Heather Westbrook
Henson P
Hilary Clark
James Cardaci
James Downing
James Fantazian
Jason Turcotte
Jennifer Perez
Jerry Bonnabeau
Jim DeSimone
Joe and Jeanne Raia
John McCann
John Schwab
Judith Durant
Kathy Lee
Kathleen Champion
Katrina Devries
Kimberly Burns
Krishna Dasaratha
Leanne Hartigan
Lindsay Reder
Lormeglaise Deshommes
Lyle Goldman
Marc Hann
Matthew Maclntosh
Maureen Sayer
Micheal & Linda Gallagher
Micheal Gallagher
Micheal Presti
Mikhaila & Dan Cornell
Nancy Flores
Nicholas Themeles
Nicholas Wood
Nick Wasileuskas
Paul Crockett
Peter Aucella
Philip Ira Moss
Phuong Q Tran
Rahman Nabulsi
Ralph Saint-Louis
Richard Kobayashi
Rise Social Relations LLC
Robert Anctil
Robert Bridgeman
Robert Delossa
Robert Stein
Rumana Akhter
Ryan Dunn
Salan Peou
Soboth Porseng
Stephan Rappa
Stephan Shackley
Steve Johnson
Sue Andrews
Sue Kim
Sundeep Badweite
Susan Weber
Tommy Dorris
Tara Morrissey
Taylor Pons
Tessa MacGillivary
Thomas Sharkey
Tim Coggins
Vanessa Rivera
Wendell Kaicely
Winfield Brown
Wynande Taekema DeVries
Adam Baacke
Aditya Bhargava
Alexander Kahn
Alison Forchoh
Amber Moody
Amy Dienta
Andrea Jackson
Angel French
Anna Banister
Anny S. Chum
Balvin S Lewis
BKACA Sylvia
Carlene F
Catherine Sanchez
Charlotte Wasmund
Chevon Baker
Christian Ford
Christine McCann
Christina Norman
Clare Gunther
Collin McMahon
Crystal Han
Dana Defreitas
Danei Sem
David Bond
David Miller
Donna Richards
Donald Pierson
Elizabeth Rappa
Elizabeth Ronan de Castillero
Emily Skerritt
Erica Robinsobb
Eric Faigle
Erin Pierce
Fitzroy Robinson
Frank McCarthy
George Protopopescu
Heidi Ferolito
Idalisse Sandoval
Jamie Mcclelland
Janice Sullivan
Jesus Betancurt
Jil Callaghan
John Crockett
Jose Flores
Joy Prout
Julie Aucoin
Julie Winslow
Katelyn Burgess
Katherine Toth
Kathy Connolly
Kathy Downey
Katie Enos
Kelly Cheeseman
Kenneth Huffenus
Kevin Morrissey
Knud-Henry Louis
Krista Marshall
Kyle Smith
Lainey Martin
Lily Zhang
Lindsay Mello
Lisa Stylos
Luca Centronze
Madeline Wiegman
Mahoney’s Garden Center
Mandie Elrod
Marie Louis
Mark Wasmund
Mary Schaefer
Matt Gramse
Micheal Corcoran
Micheal Lohmer
Micheal Tith
Michelle pierce
Mimi Thach
Nancy Stoeckel
Nicole Cushing
Paula Haines
Peter Wasmund
Priya Pudasaini
Quyen Diep
Rebecca Cairns
Regina Hodge
Robert J. Robinson
Rohini Sivamurthy
Russell Olwell
Sara Outterson
Sartori Insurance
Sean Garrigan
Sean Moriarty
Shamir Rivera- Quintal
Shane Conti
Shannon LeLacheur
Stephan Lawlor
Steven B. Kellerman
Steven Melville
Suvai Gunasekaran
Susan Stoeckal
Tara Forrest
Teddy F
Tero Jaennes
Tom Thornton
Trang Le
Tuan Nguyen
William Vilas Novas
Yevgeniy Sorkin
YoungJoo Eweka
Yvette Crowell
Amanda Martin-Caughey
Anna Hohos
Baker Tilly
Brandon Green
Brett Cromwell
Catherine Casey
Charity Gift Certificates
Chris Brown
Cindy Sulewski
Christina Prout
David Tabares
Derek Hui
Eddie Enea
Gaelle Gourdet
Harald Zurakowski
Heather Condo
Jodie Ofosuhene
Jane Sarah MacFarlane
Jessica Clinton
Joanna L Sohlman
John Killoy
Joe Tutino
Kalra Oliveira
Kevin MacTaggart
Kim Regan
Kris Gleba
Kristin Halloran
Kristine Hartigan
Laura F Scarlette- Tavares
Laura Yoke
Linda Heng
Lucy Powers
Mark Palermo
Matt Couillard
Matthew Reed
Mike Gramsey
Morakoth Mam
Nam Duong
Nicolas Kullberg
Phallin Sao
Pierce McNally
Priscilla Velentgas
Sara Mann
Sam Lomax
Sheila Kirschbaum
Steve Rappa
Summer Hart
Sonia Encalada
Zakkiyya Witherspoon
Host an Internship
Do you want to give back to your community while also growing and diversifying your workforce? Do you want to help change a young person’s life?
Consider hosting an intern this summer!
Commencement 2 Careers (C2C)
Each summer, Project LEARN coordinates Commencement 2 Careers, a six-week internship program for Lowell High School students and recent graduates. The program helps young people acquire new workforce skills, explore career interests, strengthen their resumes, establish professional connections, and develop their professionalism and confidence.
How It Works
Host businesses and organizations provide a virtual or in-person internship.
Interns engage in meaningful project-based work and receive a stipend.
Hosts support on-the-job skill development and career mentoring.
Project LEARN provides orientations for interns, helps them develop an internship learning plan, and conducts regular check-ins with participants.
Project LEARN works with host sites to coordinate the internship, develop work projects, and support the professional mentors overseeing interns.
Host partners can voluntarily provide interns with additional incentives, such as scholarships, certifications, or recommendations.
To learn more about Commencement 2 Careers or how you can get involved, contact Mira Bookman, mbookman@projectlearninc.org